Sciatica Treatment At Larch Tree Osteopathic Practice, Coventry
Sciatica is a common problem treated at Larch Tree Osteopathic Practice. Sciatica occurs when the sciatic nerve becomes compressed causing pain to extend down from the lower back into the buttocks and down the back of the thigh into the lower leg and foot. It may also be associated with tingling and pins and needles and numbness into the calf and foot.
Sciatica pain can vary widely, from mild, infrequent and irritable to severe, constant and debilitating.
What causes sciatica?
Sciatica can result from a number of musculoskeletal problems such as disc injury, spinal joint degeneration, inflammation around the nerve or muscle spasm. Older patients may develop sciatica due to prolonged wear and tear of the spinal joints and lumber discs at the base of the spine.
How can osteopathy help?
Osteopaths are trained to take a thorough case history and examine you to determine whether treatment is appropriate. Treatment will often include soft tissue massage to release muscle tension and manipulation and mobilisation techniques to improve range of movement in your lower back. Rehabilitation exercises will also be given.
Should medical investigations be required we will refer you to your GP or specialist.
Call us onĀ 024 7647 0019 to book an appointment or complete the booking form below and we will get back to you.